


Help me

If you are a survivor and victim of war, violence or abduction and if you and your children reside in the Gulu District and need help, please get in touch and we will do all we can to support you and your family.

I wanna help

If you are interested in the kind of work that we are doing and you would like to get involved or help out in some way, then please do get in touch with us, we always welcome visitors, volunteers and sponsors with open arms.

Let's collaborate

If your organization or agency is doing similar work and are interested in collaboration and sharing ideas and expertise with Golden Women Vision we would love to hear from you. We enjoy making new friends and working together to solve problems.

Call: +256 782 831 438 /

+256 773 104 538

Email: /


Head Office, Andrea Olal Road, Library ward, Layibi Division, C/O P.O. Box 540, Gulu, Uganda.