We train people and provide the raw materials so people can make baskets and bags to sell at the market and get money to support their families.
Justice Advocacy
We provide capacity building trainings on Human Rights, Gender-Based Violence, Access to Justice, Governance, Livelihood, Entrepreneurship and Health related issues.
Vulnerable Children
We provided facilities and resources, staff and training to make a home for orphans and vulnerable children, where they have nutritious food, clean clothes, and quality education.
Growing & Selling
We assist disabled women and amputees to grow fruit and vegetables to feed their families and to sell their surplus for extra cash.
Transforming Lives
Empowering and transforming the lives of marginalized people who are victims of the long insurgency in the greater northern Uganda.
Poverty & Health
Addressing the root causes of chronic poverty, rights violation and ill health conditions among the women, children and youth.
Business Skills
We bring survivors together to learn how to do business and save money for future use e.g. paying school fees, meeting house hold needs, paying medical bills etc.
Creating Awareness
Sensitizing and training community members on access to Justice organizing marches and rallies, mediating land disputes etc.
Make Music Matter
We use music and dance as a form of therapy and healing for women and children, and we also sometimes record the music to share with others.
Manufacturing Soap
We trained people and provided materials so that they can manufacture soap as part of our Covid response and also to sell and earn money for their families.
Events & Catering
We also involve our members in catering and decorating events like weddings, birthday parties, inaugurations and we also bake cakes for these functions.
Covid Response
We obtained a donation and used the money to purchase food and other basic necessities for vulnerable families in our community.
Psychosocial Support
We provide psychosocial support for returning survivors and their kids born in captivity to overcome the isolation and distress and integrate into the community.