
Golden Women Vision in Uganda was formed in 2011 by a group of women’s rights activists coming together with five board members to respond to the urgent need of the worsening situation of women and children in Northern Uganda after the war.


Due to the war as well as AIDS there are now many orphans, child-headed households and vulnerable people in our region. Women and children who are victims of war, violence and disease are living in poverty with poor access to services and no access to justice.


We enable marginalized communities to secure their basic rights and assume responsibility for fostering sustainable development. We mobilize resources together with the community to help bridge the gaps in service delivery, poverty alleviation and access to justice.


We envision a free society where the youth, disabled people and those who are HIV positive, as well as women survivors are equally able to achieve their individual as well as collective rights including healthy living that enables them to fulfill their responsibilities and support their families.


We work with our sisters and fellow survivors to improve the situation of marginalized, and vulnerable children, youth and women left with nowhere to go after the war, to develop and have access to justice which they had been denied for so many years. We are working to rehabilitate the downtrodden, eradicate poverty, promote health and protect the rights of vulnerable people.


Golden Women Vision serves as a forum for sharing experiences and information. We train women to provide psycho-social support to victims as well as rehabilitation of perpetrators. We provide basic support to children whose rights have been impacted, by doing skills enhancement training. We promote capacity building on human rights, gender based violence, access to justice, governance, livelihood/entrepreneurship and health related issues.


Golden Women Vision in Uganda is an organization which is trying to restore the lives of vulnerable people through building capacity and skills to improve the lives and promote sustainable livelihoods. The vulnerable women are working in teams and they are engaged in various income generating activities.

Having fun!

We enjoy what we are doing and even though it is often challenging and sometimes heartbreaking, we show up to help and we do it with a smile. We try to ensure that our programs are fun and that their is joy and encouragement because we wish to uplift the spirits and put a smile on the faces.